A special guest blogger post!
Hai! I’z a tuxedo kittycat named Simeon Zorro and a huge fan of Virginia State Parks. (Checks out my hansome picture to your left!) I’z gots a wittle fwiend named Virgil S Possum. He’z a bit taxidermied and haz been passed awound amongst the park managers now for many years; howsomever we’z gots weplicas of Virgil in our state parks gift shops now.
This year Virgil haz ben found in the most extraordinary pwaces you could imagine! Now it’z become a game for people to guess where Virgil is…today i founds him in the Virginia State Parks Reservation Center in twaining to become a reservation counselor (call operator) and to werk in their Gift Shop, located in Henrico County, Virginia.
Virgil will twain for appwroximately 2 weeks to become an excellent customer service repwresentative, which we calls in-house a Reservation Counselor. He has to memorize all 35 state park names, locations, and many amenities in each park, awong with the wules and polwacies for each type of inventory the Reservation Center reserves. It’z WERY important werk! A persome’s whole wacation could depend on Virgil’s job performance!
In the Reservation Center we takes that reponsibilwity very seriously. To da wightbelow is a picture of the Reservation Call Center staff….dey’s a bootiful bunch of peoples and dey luvs to help customers!
Da reswervation counselors use the online information at www.virginiastateparks.gov to give customers all the detales about state parks and da facilities. We encourage you to wead that information, too, ‘specially if you decide to reserve online (see NOTE below) ‘cuz web customers are toadally reponsible for their reservations, and understanding the powicies and procedures, and if/when penalty fees may takes effects.
To da weft bewoe, is a picture of Virgil taking a customer call in the Center. Our reserwation center moved to Henrico County, Virginia in 2007 when it outgrew it’z place downtown. It’z a gorgeous facility!…with a Gift Shop! To the wight bewoe is a photo of Virgil werking the counter at the Gift Shop……
I invites you to comes to the Center located 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 100 in Richmond/Henrico area to wisit the Gift Shopand Resewation Center, or if you’s way far away CALL us at 1-800-933-7275 9am to 5pm ET Monday-Friday to make reservations. Just tell’em Simeon Zorro and Virgil told ya to call!