As you may know, the State Parks Division is part of a larger agency, the Kiptopeke State Park. Garret and John are veteran YCCSupervisors and Alex Moore is an intern with the program. Interns are youth just graduated from high school who have been in the program at least one year before and have been invited to participate as an intern based on their performance.
For the first week of the program the crew is working with Dot Field, Eastern Shore Regional Steward and Richard Ayers, Eastern Shore Stewardship Technician from the accessible preserves and they also assisted with improving trail markers and clearing over grown foliage from the trail.
Keep in mind that this first week of their program marked 100 degree heat. So you might think the projects described above occupied their time. But, no they also worked on a significant project at Cape Charles Coastal Habitat Natural Area Preserve. The crew demolished part of a damaged boardwalk and recovered the wood for other projects. Watch this slide show to see the work involved.