Grayson Highlands State Park had a new delivery July 21st. No, not a baby pony, new baby for one of the staff, or a new employee (although they have their new Assistant Manager arriving soon). Nope, the stork brought a new “comfort station” e.g. bathroom.
First it came on the truck
Then, it was lifted in place (this is what made me think of the stork)
And then set in. Still some finishing concrete work to do when the weather gets better.
It might not seem like a big thing but this will add a lot of “comfort” to park guests!
This is the third and final project for Grayson Highlands from the 2002 State Park and Natural Area bond. The first two projects, renovation of the visitor center and the addition of electric and water hookups for the equestrian campground, were finished at the very beginning of the projects.
Along the way Park Manager Harvey Thompson had two other projects to supervise the last few years. The first was the Wayne Henderson performance stage. The second was a new residence for him to replace the one that burned down about two years ago. He finally moved in around May. Park staff will tell you that managing capital projects is often a challenge so I’m sure he’s glad his park is done for this round of the projects.
And, very soon his new Assistant Manager, Marceia Holland, who has been promoted from her position working at Natural Tunnel’s Cove Ridge Center, will be arriving. Marceia replaces Daniel White who was promoted to Park Manager at Chippokes Plantation State Park over the winter.