Want to know the history behind the name First Landing? Come visit the museum inside the Chesapeake Bay Visitor Center.
First, learn about thethe Virginia Company’s voyagefrom England to North America.
Then discover what occurred after the Virginia Company arrived at what would become First Landing State Park over 400 years ago.
Open the box to see what other “firsts” occurred in Virginia.
“What were the settlers and Native American’s interaction like?”, you may ask. Uncover the answer and find out what items were often traded.
This land was a very different place back then. Many animals that thrived in habitathundreds of years agocan no longer found here.
Finally, see where the Virginia Company went to establish the first permanent English colony in North America.
There is lots of history to uncover at First Landing State Park so make the park part of your own history! The Chesapeake Bay Visitor Center is open daily from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.