4616 Powhatan State Park Rd.Powhatan, VA 23139
Latitude: 37.659728
Longitude: -77.922978
6.0 miles of multi-use trails are available for horseback riding. State law requires that visitors carry a copy of a negative Coggins report with each horse brought to the park. Because of traffic concerns horse trailers are prohibited at this time.
Big Woods Trail
Blaze Color: Yellow
- Length: 1.42
- Difficulty: Easy
- Surface: Earth/Gravel
Cabin Trail
Blaze Color: Tomato Red
- Length: 1.51
- Difficulty: Easy
- Surface: Earth
Pine Trail
Blaze Color: White
- Length: 1.9
- Difficulty: Easy
- Surface: Earth
Turkey Trail
Blaze Color: Tan
- Length: 1.24
- Difficulty: Easy
- Surface: Earth
Nearby Attractions
Other State Parks located in central Virginia: Bear Creek Lake State Park, Holliday Lake State Park, Sailors Creek Battlefield State Park, Twin Lakes State Park.
Powhatan and nearby Goochland Counties offer a variety of different experiences. Visit our local restaurants, shopping, farmers markets, historical sites, wineries, breweries, and other family friendly activities.