This week the news reported that Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow!We all know what that means; it already feels like winter is lasting forever.
Are you stuck inside with nothing to do, and would like to start a new outdoor hobby? It sounds like bird watching may be for you. With the bare tree branches and the bright snow, winter makes a great time to watch birds. It is much easier to see the colorful birds as they dart around bushes and trees. For even easier viewing, try hanging a bird feeder in your yard. Within a few days you will have flocks of cheery birds. Just a few minutes spent watching our feathered friends will lift your spirits.
How many of these little guys can you find? Hopefully not many, as they should have migrated south to warmer climates by now. But if you see them, please mark them down.
February 14-17, 2014here, where you can watch as the tallies grow across the world. The four-day count typically records more than 34.5 million observations.
A sure sign of Spring
Marion, Virginiainvites you to participate in this event by attending a morning program on February 15, 2014 at 10:00 a.m.
Although it will start inside at The Restaurant in Molly’s Room, participants should dress appropriately to go outside. This free program is opened to all ages and skill levels.
Guests will learn how to be “citizen scientists” and count birds. The program will also include a short “how-to” on bird identification for beginners. Limited field guides and binoculars will be available for use, but guests are encouraged to bring their own if they have them. We will also have a free workshop where a volunteer will show you how to use pinecones, peanut butter, and seeds to make a simple bird feeder for your yard. There is no registration, but materials are limited to the first 30 participants. Others are welcome to watch and learn. Come to the Great Backyard Bird Count and stay for this great workshop!
Please, contact Hungry Mother State Park at (276)781-7400 for more information. Directions can be found click here.