If you are reading this post, you probably have been to a state park or are considering visiting one. Perhaps you have seen articles that have mentioned the impact the recession has had on parks. Basically, more people are going to parks for recreation than ever before and funding for many park systems is threatened by shrinking government revenues.
Camping Blogger’s recent article “Conservation:An Investment that Pays” should be required reading for every local and state governing body.
In the case of Virginia State Parks and ONLYconsidering the Tourism impact, for every dollar the state provides to support our parks, the parks generate more than $9 in the local economy. During a recession, the parks are a special stimulus program that generate revenue and improve the well being of the citizenry. While I would certainly suggest more investment in Parks, it is important to note that keeping funding as is will continue stimulating the economy. But, cutting park budgets so they can no longer operate effectively will create a ripple effect in localities at the worst possible time.