A post from Making Memories for 73 Years, even the most disastrous State Park stay will provide your family with memories that last a lifetime.
One of my favorite state park staff stories tells of a man who took his two boys camping at Staunton River State Park. The park staff (Tim Vest, District Manager) was called out to assist them late at night. When he arrived at the campground, he said he could tell it was a special trip. The site was set up perfectly, all new equipment and everything just right. Just right until the skunk visited and sprayed them. Not something I’d wish on an enemy, but I bet those kids tell their grandchildren about that story!
If you don’t even know where to start, here’s an even better idea – The Great American Backyard Campout. Nearly every Virginia State Parks will be offering special programs in celebration of this day, June 27, 2009 this year. Every park will give away a two night camping trip and the grand prizes include a week camping stay, two nights in a camping cabin, and an annual parking pass.
We should have all of the participating park locations listed soon so check out our blog for updates. Or, better yet, subscribe to our e-newsletter and you will always be clued in to upcoming events and information on Virginia State Parks.