More than 50First Landing State Parkon Wednesday, May 18th.
Some arrived with their own tools and work trucks but all were ready to help make improvements to the park grounds and facilities.
After the Dominion volunteers gathered for their safety briefing and project assignments, they set out to refurbish the amphitheater where many of First Landing State Park programs are held.
Volunteers also replaced road railings and rebuilt several screen porches on the park’s cabins.
After several hours of hard work, the Dominion volunteers and park staff were treated to a barbecue luncheon provided by Dominion.
During the luncheon, Brad Crable, Dominion Director of Electric Customer Service presented a $50,000 check to Bruce Widener, Lake Anna State Park.

(From left to right) Ann Strause, President Virginia State Parks.
Dominion Resources has a long history of partnering with Virginia State Parks and this most recent grant brings the total support to more than $1 million! Dominion provided both the grant for the materials and equipment for the projects as well as the volunteers to help park staff complete the work further demonstrating Dominion’s commitment to the environmental stewardship.
Learn more about First Landing State Park – click here.
Learn more about volunteering opportunities at your favorite Virginia State Park – click here.