Our Friends Groups are all about supporting our state parks. The Friends of Sailor’s Creek Battlefield Historical State Park demonstrated their support for the park by donating funds they have raised in support of two important projects.
The Battle of Sailor’s Creek was the last major battle of the Civil War before Appomattox and the battle that sealed the fate of the Confederacy marking the loss of 7,700 men including eight generals. Demonstrations and re-enactments are an important part of telling the history of the park. Being able to demonstrate the use of historic black powder weapons is an important component. The National Park Service offers training in historical weapons safety and program management but because of budget reductions and limits on out of state travel, we were not going to be able to send anyone to this important training. The Friends of Sailors Creek to the rescue – they are providing just under $1,000 to send Chief Ranger Christopher Joyner to this course.

Thanks to the 2002 State Park and Natural Area Bond, we now have a brand new see information here. You can even donate through that link.

The commemoration of the Sesquicentennial of the Civil War (150 years) officially runs between 2011 and 2015 although some kickoff events were held in 2009 to mark historical events leading up to the Civil War. The Friends and park staff are working to ready the park for visitors from around the world who will visit for the Sesquicentennial.
If you have a love for Civil War History and would like to support the park by becoming a member of the Friends organization, please contact BobbyWilcox at (804) 598-2901.