In celebration ofHeritage Day Celebration.
Come out for this very special event on Sunday, August 14 from 12:00 noon – 4:00 p.m. join family and friends for a fun afternoon!
In the Picnic Area, enjoy a hot dog on us and bring your favorite side dish to share. After eating, stroll through the Homestead area and enjoy traditional craft demonstrations and music.
If you have any photographs of old homesteads or relatives that lived on the park, bring them to share and reminisce with family and friends. Park staff will have scanners available to create digital pictures from your photographs for you.
For more information, please call Grayson Highlands State Park office at (276)579-7092. For park information about Grayson Highlands online.
Drive Time:Northern Va., 6.5 hours; Richmond, 5.5 hours; Tidewater, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, 7.5 hours; Roanoke, 2.5 hours; Winston-Salem, 2 hours; Charlotte, 3 hours; Raleigh, 4 hours.