The Westmoreland State Park can tell you all about those three things. Humid, sticky days and bright sunshine maketrail workand building fences very hot, hard work. The female team at Westmoreland knows all about hard work! In the short time they have been working at the park they havespread stone dust on the CCC trail and built split rail fences in two different locations in the park.
Split rail fencing was place around a Bioretention areas have been developed to catch rain water run off from parking lots and road ways. This helps to keep nutrients and siltation from getting into the waterways. The areas are planted with native scrubs, trees and herbaceous species that will absorb and retain moisture. The split rail fence helps to keep the deer out and is aesthetically pleasing.
The stone dust the crew is spreading on the CCC trail will make a nice compact surface for cyclists. The CCC trail is the newest trail at Westmoreland State Park. The fairly flat trail is about 1.6 miles and meanders through fields, hardwood forests and over a small stream.
The team is working very hard but also plans to takesome time out for a little fun this weekend with a trip to George Washington Birthplace National Monument.