Most women in the 70s could relate to Calgon commercials like this one depicting a woman relaxing in a bubble bath after dealing with every day life.
If anything certainly life is more stressful thirty years later. I don't think a bubble bath is enough. AND yes, men, it is stressful for you too! More than ever life is tough on our children too. Sometimes they have more appointments, more homework and more expectations of them than we realize. Way too many of them spend all day inside attached to a screen or electronic device and away from play and just being a kid.
So here's my new take on this old commercial:
Lose your cares in the beauty and solitude of nature in a Virginia State Park. Virginia State Parks relax and rejuvenate as they lift your spirit. Pamper yourself and your family by spending a day, a night or a week in a Virginia State Park. Lose yourself in nature!
There's nothing like a breathtaking view like the Tye River Overlook
at James River State Park to inspire serenity
Now, aren't you feeling better already? Find a park near you based on location and amenities by Click here to search by date, location and type of program.

Family time in a log cabin: no TV, no telephone, rather board games,
a good book, a melody on the guitar – PRICELESS
Photo courtesy of Bill Crabtree, Jr. Virginia Tourism Corporation
Virginia Outdoors

Family time in a log cabin: no TV, no telephone, rather board games,
a good book, a melody on the guitar – PRICELESS
Photo courtesy of Bill Crabtree, Jr. Virginia Tourism Corporation
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