I have written several posts about our Youth Corps starting back when we were accepting applications, through the acceptance process, and now while our first session is in progress. It is hard to put in words what the program is like, so perhaps this slide show will do a better job of conveying its essence.
This is the crew at Twin Lakes State Park. Since we had fewer programs this year due to budget reductions, we tried to maximize the park impact. The Twin Lake crew will work on projects at High Bridge Trail state parks over the three weeks.
The pictures start with the families dropping the youth off, include work pictures (bench building and installation, trail work and tree planting) and some fun including canoeing and swimming. There are also pictures of a nature identification walk and a visit to the local Moton Museum.
The Moton High School is recognized today as a nationally significant site in the history of the civil rights movement. It was the site of a conflict over the essential issue of equal education for all Americans. This student-organized strike that occurred at the school in April 1951 led to the federal court case, Davis v. County School Board of Prince Edward County, which was heard by the Supreme Court of the United States as part of the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education case.
If you are wondering about the giant ice cream portions, The Spot at Twin Lakes (adjacent to the park’s beach) features “The Avalanche.” Anyone who can eat the whole thing gets their picture on the wall and a t-shirt. You may have been able to tell that none of the youth were successful in their attempts.
These pictures from the first week of the program paint a good picture of what the program is like for the paticipants.
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