On one of the hottest days of the summer 75 children and their counselors from the Westmoreland State Park.
The Willow Oak, donated to the Y from Crookhorn Nursery, was planted on the cliffs next to the Visitor Center.
Paul Billings showing children how to bank the mulch for the health of the tree
YMCA Summer Day Camp lasts 9 weeks. Children age 6-14 learn how to kayak, hunt for fossils, hike and experience the all the wonderful things the park has to offer.
Counselors, kids and tree
This year participants of the summer day camp earned medallions for their hiking sticks by completing a series of programs. Each medallion signified something different. The first medallion they earned was the 75th Anniversary medallion celebrating Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and the third medallion is the “Old Dominion”.
During the tree planting ceremony Jim Wyman, District II Business Manager, tasked the children with naming the benefits and importance of trees. The very smart group named producing oxygen, food, shelter and of course on a day like today…. Shade!
Paul Billings, District Resource Specialist, helped to plant the tree while telling the group that the Willow Oak can grow to 125 feet tall and live for 100 years. Willow Oaks also provide acorns that feed wildlife and the root system will absorb moisture to help maintain the integrity of the cliffs.
The children from the YMCA Summer program were encouraged to come back to the park and visit the tree throughout the years to follow its progress and development.
Westmoerland State Park is located on the Potomac River on the Northern Neck of Virginia.