I still remember my first days on Twitter. What I remember the most is some of the neat people Imet right away which of course is why Igot hooked. One of these terrific tweets was Leslie Shelor from Fairy Stone State Park, we began to follow each other.
As a child I enjoyed crocheting. It probably started with one of those pot holder weaving kits when I was even younger, but I enjoyed the feel of the yarn and the satisfaction of being creative. It was one of my many, many forays into the search for my creative outlet. While Ican’t say I am a perfectionist, I do tend to learn pretty quickly what Iam not gifted in and besides making some decent winter scarves I was not that great at crocheting.

As one of the developers of the Greenberry House.

This was the first German Angora Rabbits. She had some yarn from her rabbits and it was heavenly. Like sheep, these rabbits need to have their coats removed. (Leslie forgive me for messing up proper terminology).
She also let us try one of the more modern wheels to see what the spinning process was like. Trust me, it’s a lot harder than it looks.

Unfortunately, I was not able to get by the Fairy Stone and I would love to get my hands on a skein of that angora yarn and a crochet hook.