Join Department biologist J.D. Kleopfer on a survey of the state endangered Rafinesque’s big-eared bat. This video highlights two of only three known nursery roosts of this species in Virginia –one roost is in an old general store, the other in a turn of the century one-room schoolhouse. This “swamp bat” traditionally nests in old growth trees in southeastern Virginia’s wetlands, which constitutes the northernmost portion of their range, but will also roost in barns and outbuildings. These summer-time roosts are nursery colonies made up of mothers and “pups” or young. Biologists are studying them to learn more in order protect them and the old structures they inhabit. Rafinesque’s big-eared bats feed mostly on moths, found near agricultural fields. Bats eat millions of nighttime flying insects such as mosquitoes and are beneficial to humans. To learn more about this bat, visit the VDGIF Web site at