“Wellness” is a term that we often hear these days, but what is wellness really? How do we attain it? Should it come naturally, or is it something we have to work at?
Most of us would agree that wellness involves good general health. The holistic approach to wellnessencompasses the mind, body, and spirit. Many of us walk or go to the gym to keep out bodies fit, but what about mind and spirit? We maydevelop our spiritual selves at church,synagogue, or mosque. Reading, hobbies, or possibly therapy, canfoster a sense of wellness for the mind. But where can you go to nurture your mind, body, and spirit all at once? Virginia State Parks’ Women’s Wellness Weekendsmight be the answer!
Virginia State Parks Director Joe Elton always says that our parks provide “a tonic for the mind, body, and spirit.” There is something about the peacefulness of the setting, surrounded by nature and fresh air, that makes you feel less stressed as soon as you enter one of our parks. Combine the serenity of the place with the camaraderie of other women, fun activities, and learning experiences and you have a Women’s Wellness Weekend.
Our next Hungry Mother State Park will find some new and unique activities like fossil hunting and workshops on living green. We will also offer some ofyour favorites, such askayaking and yoga.
We know that daily life can bechallenging at times, especially with the curent economic situation.For a reasonable price, Women’s Wellness Weekends allow you to escape the pressures of modern life for a weekend.
Now is the perfect time tomake an investment in yourself! Enjoy an experiencewith benefits that can last a lifetime. Join us for the day, or stay overnight in one of our cabins or campground. For more information or to make reservations, call (800) 933 – PARK (7275).