While hiking near a waterfall, I saw a guy with a Nikon DSLR. I asked him what shutter speed he was using to capture the flow of the water. My heart sank when he answered, "I just point and shoot."
With many "pont and shoot" models, there are ways to adjust the settings to create interesting images. For those with simple cameras who only want a few quick snapshots, it is okay not to be creative. But, using a $500 DSLR like a cell phone camera is a waste of money.
Come to York River State Park this weekend and learn to get more out of your camera. Our Wild Workshop is Saturday, August 20th 9:00 a.m. to noon for Beginning Outdoor Photography.
We will begin with a seminar led by Education Support Specialist John Gresham and Park Volunteer Earl Harris. We will also take a photo walk along three bodies of water and wooded trails. The fee for this workshop is $15/person ages 13 & older and $5/person 12 & younger. We will begin at 9:00 a.m. and end at noon.
Directions to York River State Park: From I-64, take the Croaker Exit 231B. Go north on Route 607 (Croaker Rd.) for one mile, then right on Route 606 (Riverview Rd.) about one and a half miles to the park entrance. Take a left turn into the park.
Drive Time : Northern Virginia, two to three hours; Richmond, one hour; Tidewater/Norfolk/Virginia Beach, one hour; Fredericksburg, two hours; Roanoke, five hours.
Click herefor a Google map. Latitude, 37.405520. Longitude, -76.714323.
York River State Park, 5526 Riverview Road, Williamsburg, Va. 23188-6732; phone: (757) 566-3036; email:yorkriver.