Heroes On The Wateris excited about our upcoming kayak fishing outing sponsored by Friends of Bear Creek Lake State Park July 16th, 2011 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.

The Central Virginia Chapter is a new chapter of this National Program, getting started this year. They have adopted the Hunter Holmes McGuire Hospital, and Wounded Warriors of VA, into their program taking members of both units out for absolutely free kayak fishing excursions. These excursions require specialized kayaks for some of the participants, and well as specialized equipment inside the kayaks to accommodate any and all of the challenges our Heroes may encounter. Central Virginia Heroes On The Water, wants the experience in the outdoors to be the best possible one for each of its participants. Our Team of volunteers and sponsors are committed to making it a laid back, fun and relaxing day on the water, you won’t want to miss.
For more information, or how you can volunteer please contact:
James P Shank, Chapter Coordinator Ph (804) 492-4287 or email [email protected], or Tina Shank, Secretary / Treasurer Ph (804) 492-4287 or email [email protected].