We need to give back to our children what they don’t even know they’ve lost – a connection to the natural world. The average American child spends just four to seven minutes playing outside each day. In the last few decades, childhood has literally moved indoors with kids spending more than six hours per day in front of electronic media. Simply put, the nature of childhood has changed, and there isn’t much nature left in it.
Let’s change this by unplugging and getting outdoors!A great place to start is the 7th Annual Great American Backyard Campout® on June 25, 2011.
The Virginia State Parks encourages families to trade their websites for campsites and screen time for green time to experience a night in the great outdoors.

Trade your websites for campsites
Once a year, Shenandoah Audubon at 9:00 am and then set up their campsite .
A special addition to the park’s GABC this year is local author Sky Meadows State Park on June 25th to sign copies of her brand new book 15 Minutes Outside: 365 Ways to Get Out of the House and Connect with Your Kids from 2:00 to 5:00p.m.
Blue Ridge Mountain Sports of Warrenton will also be here with the Outdoors Skills Station. Store manager Josh Warner will be available to answer questions about hiking, backpacking, orienteering and, of course, camping. You will also have to opportunity to shop for some of the outdoors gear you need for these activities.
Another great addition to this year’s event is the Blacksmith's Guild of the Potomac will also be here demonstrating blacksmithing skills. Visitors will have the opportunity to watch members of the guild hand-forge items. Visitors will have the opportunity to purchase their own hand forged marshmallow roasting fork and other items made by guild members.

Family fun atSky Meadows State Park
Other Campout activities include: Kids Crafts, Leave No Trace classes, GPS workshops, and live animal presentations by Northern Virginia Astronomy Club.

Come out and meet Smokey
The Sky Meadows State Park.
We would like to extend a special thank you to our event sponsors: Blue Ridge Mountain Sports of Warrenton and REI of Bailey’s Crossroads, VA. Their generous support will help to make this the best Campout ever to be held at Sky Meadows!

Come out and join in the fun at the Great American Backyard Campout!
Hurry! Make your reservation for camping in the Mount Bleak backyard today; tents only. Advanced registration is $18.65, tax included or $30 plus tax at the gate. Space is limited so don’t wait. To make reservations, call (800) 933-PARK or visit the Virginia State Parks camping page. For more information and a schedule of activities call the park at 540-592-3556.