On September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance to honor the victims of the September 11th attacks that occurred ten years ago.
Before the clean up we took a minute to honor those who fell that day with a moment of silence. We recognized Sergeant Major Larry Strickland who was a key supporter of the Friends of Leesylvania State Park until his untimely death at the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. There is a Recognition Plaza in front of the Visitor Center in commemoration for SGM Larry Strickland. Friends, family members, or a pet can be commemorated with a personalized brick to honor those that have appreciated Leesylvania State Park and should be memorialized at the Park.
The cleanup brought nineteen volunteers to the park to help pick up trash along the shoreline of Leesylvania. The volunteers split up and cleaned the shoreline all the way from Freestone Point, which overlooks the fishing pier, to the end of the picnic area. They picked up nineteen bags of trash containing candy wrappers, plastic bottles, cans, and food wrappers. It is sad that there are individuals who do not take the time to throw away their trash and protect the environment. Please be responsible and keep nature clean.
Once again I would like to thank the volunteers for coming out to Leesylvania State Park and making a difference by cleaning the park. The cleanup would not have been possible without their service.
For more information about the event please call (703) 583-6904 or email us at [email protected].