Friends group.
John Harris, a well-known local landscape architect, was solicited by Friends group member Cecelia Selman to assist in the design of our native landscaping plan.Mr. Harris donated his time and talents to make sure thatthe plants, trees and shrubs in the plan are native to Virginia.In addition, the species were specifically selected to attract wildlife like butterflies and hummingbirds.
Many Friendsmembers came out to assist with the planting.Thanks to the group'sdedication, the outside area at the visitor center looks great.Everyone had a great timeinteracting with each otherwhile working reallyhard. Thelandscaped groundswill serve as an interpretivearea for both school groups and park guests,providing arelaxing area to view the flora and fauna of the park.

Planting native plants and trees at the Shenandoah River visitor center

Planting native plants and trees at the Shenandoah River visitor center