It is the 77th anniversary of the Virginia Garden Club premier event: Historic Garden Week. Once again, Chippokes Plantation State Park in Surry, Virginia will be a featured site during the event–April 17 to April 25, 2010.
With the centuries-old formal garden at the Stewart Mansion, the newly planted orchards, and the historic slave garden at the River House, a visit to the park gives you a glimpse into the past.
Guided tours orthe ante-bellum Stewart Mansionwill be available during Garden Week for 1pm-5pm. In addition, a Hearth Cooking demonstration will be held on Saturday, April 24.Costumed re-enatctors will prepare heirloom vegetables from last year’s harvest.
Green-Thumbed volunteers are needed to help prep the gardens. Please contact Kathy Thompson, Chippokes Volunteer Coordinator,at [email protected]for volunteer information.