Douthat State Park is September 23-25, 2011
Don't miss out!! This is the last call!! Register now!!
Virginia State Parks Homestead on Friday, September 23, 2011. The regular programming on Saturday and Sunday features programs to empower women like self-defense and handgun training, programs to soothe the soul like massage and nature journaling, and programs to work your body like kayaking and hiking.
Registration and reservations can be made by calling Women's Wellness Weekend costs $149 plus accommodations. The price of accommodations varies depending on number of occupants.
Claytor Lake State Park inDublin, Virginia inSeptember 2012.
Register today for the program at here to check out the Virginia State Park Women's Wellness Weekend page on Facebook.
LOCATION: From I-64, take Exit 27 near Clifton Forge. Turn North onto State Route 629 (highway at exit ramp). Travel north three miles to the park entrance sign and another two miles to the park office.
Drive Time: Northern Virginia, four hours; Tidewater/Norfolk/Virginia Beach, five hours; Richmond, three hours; Roanoke, one hour
Click here for a Google map. Latitude, 37.896054. Longitude, -79.809300.