On Saturday, September 10, 2011 C.A.S.T. for kid’s event. We had experienced a high volume of rain last week which made me nervous for the event, but luckily the sun was shining and the temperature was in the 80’s. We could not have asked for better weather.
We had experienced fishermen from New Horizons Bass Anglers —“Boat Captains,”—take the children and their parents out on their large bass boats for a few hours of fishing and fun. After that, everyone enjoyed lunch, which was followed by an awards ceremony when the Boat Captains present the children with engraved plaques and their congratulations for their participation. In addition to providing fishing opportunities for the participating children during the day, other activities were planned on-shore for the benefit of all attendees.

At Leesylvania State Park, 17 children with special needs participated in the C.A.S.T. for kid’s event. We had 61 volunteers that contributed their time and expertise to the event. Likewise, corporate sponsors such as Lions Clubs, and Friends of Leesylvania were graciously donating their support.

There were many smiles from the children, parents, volunteers, and boat captains through out the day. Here is an email that I received today. “As usual, we had a marvelous time at CAST on Saturday. Autism is defined by the child not being able to talk or to talk appropriately. One of the preeminent goals in the treatment of autism is to stimulate the child to want to talk. Let me tell you, CAST always stimulates Julia to want to talk. She is like a radio before, during and after CAST. Thanks for all you do.” This was a great event and I look forward to next year’s event. If you would like to assist for next year’s event please contact Sarah Phillips at (703)583-6904.
Click herefor Leesylvania’s schedule of upcoming events.
Click here for directions or call the Visitor’s Center at (703) 583-6904.