I spotted my first Monarch butterfly this weekend which reminded me of yet another thing to keep an eye out for while visiting a Virginia State
Chippokes Is In Bloom
I recently took a trip to Chippokes Plantation State Park to do some training. As most of you should know by now, spring is here in full force. This
Belle Isle State Park Youth Conservation Corps
I met the girls from the Historic Rosewell. The girls had worked clearing brush at the park and had enjoyed some swimming in the river (for those
The Man Behind the Virginia State Parks Youth Corps
I like to say "You can take the man out of the military but you can't take the military out of the man." I invented that saying after working with
Why Do Leaves Change Color in the Fall?
I know many of us enjoy the leaf colors we get in Virginia every fall, but have you ever wondered why the leaves change color? In a recent trip to
Spring Floats
I know it's almost spring because a glance at our events database show the beginning of our canoe and kayak programs. Owl Call Canoe Tour
Soaring with the Eagles
I just went to check out the "Eagle Cam" that is set up at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens on an active nest. This is really cool and several school
Staunton River State Park, A GREAT Place!
I just took a trip to Staunton River State Park in Scottsburg, Virginia. While at the park I got a tour of their facilities. The park is a little
How the West Was Won – Part V
I just returned from a trip that took me to our 5 parks on the far Western side of the state, Southwest Virginia Museum Historical State Park,