Most people prefer vacations to work. Maybe that’s why folks take so many pictures when they’re in the great outdoors and hardly any at
An Antebellum Christmas Celebration at Mulberry Hill Plantation
Mulberry Hill is the ancestral home of the Virginia Carrington family, which was instrumental in many aspects of our country’s history from
Making Memories for 73 Years
My boss and State Parks Director, Joe Elton, has many "sayings" about Virginia State Parks that stick in your mind. There's "tonic for the mind,
AmeriCorps NCCC at Westmoreland State Park
My day starts early and I find myself rising and going outside before the morning sun. Walking out of my cabin, I begin my “hellos” and
New Years Visit to Belle Isle State Park
My friends and I reserved the Belle Isle State Mansion [we call it Bel Air] at Belle Isle State Park from December 31, 2010 to January 2, 2011. We had
A Trip to the Past — Chippokes Farm and Forestry Museum
My husband and I attended a wonderful photography workshop at you can be his friend on Facebook), goats and chickens.The exhibits, on display in a
Virginia State Parks Going to the Dogs
My husband and I didn't get to have children, just wasn't in the cards. But we have a family of 2 dogs and 4 cats. Our cats and one dog are home
Camping – An Affordable Family Vacation
My husband and I love to go to the movies. If we had our way, we'd be at the theater every weekend enjoying the latest sci-fi or adventure release,
Winter Wonderland – Grayson Highlands State Park
Located near the highest point in Virginia, Grayson Highlands State Park has a lot going for it. There are beautiful mountain views and in the