Summer days seem to be filled with millions of insects of all different varieties. They thrive in the warm temperatures that spring and summer bring.
Unique Piedmont Prairie Habitat At James River State Park
Something that I really like about Virginia State Parks and James River State Park in particular is the various ecosystems that are being managed.
Birding by Ear
Sometimes my back yard seems like a sound track from a nature show! It’s hard to believe all the different bird song I hear but cannot see the
Wildlife Watching Tips for Beginners
Spring weather is finally here at Mason Neck State Park, and with warmer days we see not only more park visitors but more park wildlife. We also see
Sky Meadows Winter Birding Report
Scott Baron, a ten year Virginia State Parks volunteer, has provided the following Winter Virginia Bird Watching report from Sky Meadows State Park.
Snakeheads in Virginia
Snakehead fish in Virginia.
The Timber Rattlesnake
Snakes seem to get a bad rap for one reason or another. Personally, I am a great admirer of snakes. Sure, some could be dangerous when provoked, but
Can You Identify These Animal Tracks?
Snow came a little early this year to central Virginia. It is unusual for us to get snow before Christmas, but maybe some will stick around until the
Run, Snuffy, Run!!
Snuffleufagus the rehabilitated harp seal began his journey back into the wild at 2pm Tuesday, March 31st at First Landing State Park! At first