In this online age with most everyone digitally wired to the internet there are plenty of ways to hear about special events at Virginia State Parks.
Special events are held throughout the year at Virginia State Parks
You can follow us on Twitter@VAStateParksas it provides short byte-size chunks of info with a link for more information.
Follow us on Twitter @VAStateParks
You can follow us on Virginia State Parks Facebook page is that you can also ask questions and receive feedback from very helpful and knowledgeable state park staff.
Like us on Facebook!
You can subscribe to our eNews which has recaps and stories of interest from your favorite Virginia State Parks. You can go here to view our current newsletter before you decide to subscribe. The eNews is a great resource for upcoming events with hyperlinks for more information.
Lastly you can visit the Events Search Page.Go here to search our events database:
Just click on thePark Events tabwhich is on the header of every page
You can search by a park or select all parks or ask for a specific type of event such as Festivals, Fishing, Arts and Crafts, Special Events, etc. and select the date (or range of dates).
The database will show a selection of results from your search, you can click on them for more information (see next image below):
Here is the information we needed, the what when where and how much!
As always, Virginia State Parks can be affected by inclement conditions such as weather, illness, etc and dates/times may need to be adjusted. Each event will have a phone number and/or contact email address. It is prudent to confirm that the event is still on should you hear bad weather reports on the weather channel or local news!
We look forward to seeing you at your favorite state park event soon!