Okay! Are you ready to learn more about some great ways to have fun this summer? Do you have kids that are between 7 and 12 years old?
Junior Rangers at Mason Neck State Park
Then you're in luck! Our Junior Ranger program introduces fun educational activities that will keep your little one coming back for more.
Junior Rangers play games, hike trails, observe animals and wildlife, discover tracks, all while making friends your own age with the same interests!
There are several different activities to the Junior Ranger Program. Geology, ecology, history, safety, plants, and wildlife are some of the activity areas you will be exploring in the program. Don't worry, you're invited to come too!This is a great way for you and your child to learn about history and nature that's in your own backyard.
Wet and Wild – Aug 10 & 11
Forest Exploring – Aug 17 & 18
Pre-registration isrequired and the cost is $50.00 per child per session which includes all the materials, instruction and a Junior Ranger t-shirt with a certificate of completion.