I have been married to my wonderful husband for 19 years, we are best friends
We have three beautiful children one in college, one in high school and our sweet later in life baby who is 7 years old, it’s not easy to get us all together or have mommy and daddy time either.

We are a very blessed family, not rich, not poor, we make a good life. Like many my husband and I work full time, our kids have very busy schedules. My favorite times are when I am with my family all of them or just some of them…
They could do without the hikes, fishing or cabins (most prefer TV or computer time) but they always come when I say let’s go. (I think they like to be together too). I love to hike, fish and take advantage of the Virginia State Parks, we have stayed at Fairy Stone State Park two times, Claytor Lake State Park once and this spring we are headed to Hungry Mother State Park. We rent a cabin and escape our normal routine and the busy life. My mom comes too, so it’s a family affair and when we leave we have stories to tell, memories to fuel our day to day existence and goals to find or make the time to do it again.
The time we spend together is my purpose in life, to love and cherish always… I love my husband and my family and I want to be with them, hear them laugh; explore life in a beautiful place:
a place not clouded with the negative things in the world, but full of the positive.
The opportunity to do it again, would be beyond words.
Thank you Elizabeth for sharing your love story
From our contest entries: "Love is in the Air — A Contest for February"