Ahh… Spring! My favorite time of the year, when the plants and trees around us begin to show signs of life, rejuvenated for a fresh new start to another wonderful year. It always seems to breathe new life into me as well, after spending months suffering from cabin fever..
I feel rejuvenated myself, like I could climb to the highest summit, just from the feeling of the fresh air, the plants breaking through the ground and those first buds bursting open to reveal blooms and tender new leaves.
And through all my many travels, across Tennessee, Kentucky and the great Commonwealth of Virginia, I can proudly say, Spring is more awe inspiring right here in Southwest Virginia than anywhere I’ve ever been. The wildflowers here are spectacular and plentiful, the Poplar trees are some of the first to showcase their new foliage and the skunks, who sometimes leave an ill-smelling trace of their presence, oftentimes are seen as signs of Spring, and I think we are all ready for that.

Dwarf crabapple blooms

Dwarf crabapple blooms