Virginia's Heritage Music Trail "Rocky Mount Virginia, in the eastern foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains.
This community has more weekly wing dings and jams than any other location along this mountain music trail. more moonshine has been produced there than any other, has more musicians than you can swing a stick at!
Johnathan Dillon of Rocky Mount – award winning musician
Y'all may recognize some of the tunes of this Crooked Road region from the movie "O Brother Where Art Thou" when many new hearers of bluegrass and old timey music joined the fan base!
Of course really singing "website here). Dan received a CMA for "Single of the Year" and a Grammy for "Best Country Collaboration with Vocals" and it peaked at #35 on Billboard's Hot Country Songs chart.
Smith Mountain Lake State Park. This is pure Americana at its best, and can be an interesting addition to your family vacation or getaway as you learn and experience the heritage and culture that still rings true in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Crooked Road jams are always family friendly events, bring the kids and prepare to tap your toes to some good old fashioned mountain music!
The Wright Kidsof Rocky Mount Virginia (Franklin County)
Learn more about the history of the music in the hills of Virginia – online here.
Book your cabin or camp spot at book online or call1-800-933-PARK.