What would you do if you could do anything for yourself? That was a question asked in a recent women’s group I attend. I was completely stumped! I hadn’t given much thought to doing anything just for me in years. But it made me think.
Recently, our oldest began her freshman year in college. The next two will be grown and out the door before you know it. Then what? It really is time to begin to process what I want to do for me. I remember as a young woman, I enjoyed being outdoors and the peace that came with being outside. I loved spending time with friends. I enjoyed trying new things. I am not an invincible young woman any longer, so what does that mean for me now?
Then I realized, it is all right here in front of me. www.virginiastateparks.gov or to make reservations call 1-800-933-7275. Hope to see you there.