Please join us at 10:30 a.m.on Thursday, May 17, 2012when the Kiptopeke State Park in the form of giant Adirondack chairs that spell out the word
Claytor Lake State Park Halloween Wrap Up
Claytor Lake State Park had 87 visitors participate in the Halloween activities on Saturday, Oct. 30, 2010. Fourteen campsites participated in
Back Bay Kayak Paddle
Catch a glimpse of spring along the coastal forest during the "Back Bay Kayak Paddle" hosted by False Cape State Park on Sunday, April 4 from
Creating Outdoor Photographs: Choosing The Camera
Maybe you have asked or are thinking about asking Santa for a camera. Perhaps you will use your gift card to buy one. No doubt, there is a wide
Tree Planting at Sky Meadows
On April 24th Cub Scout Pack 962 demonstrated their dedication to the Earth by planting five new trees at Odwalla. CongratulationsScoutson a job
What the Heck is a Pow Wow?
On Saturday my wife and I headed down to Occoneechee to attend the Native American Heritage Festival (Pow Wow).I had only been to Occoneechee once
Wash Wood History Tour at False Cape State Park
Take a scenic tram ride through Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge and False Cape State Park to the site of the historic Wash Woods community in what
75 Days of Summer September 1 Thursday Contest
September 1st Contest for theVirginia State Parks75 Days of Summer For complete information on the contests, prizes and guidelines,click
75 Days of Summer July 14 Thursday Contest
July 14th Contest for theVirginia State Parks75 Days of Summer For complete information on the contests, prizes and guidelines,click